All Star Intent Form 2024

We request that any player who wishes to be considered for an All-Star team complete and submit the All-Star Intent form prior to May 1, 2024.  
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Player First Name
Player Last Name
All Star Division
Which age division are you claiming for All Stars?
Practice Committment
Are you committed to practices 3x per week, 2 hours/day?
Tournament Committment
Are you committed to playing in a minimum of 3 tournament games every weekend, possibly more during bracket play? (see tournament dates on previous page)
Time/Financial Commitment
Are you able to make the time and financial commitment ($475 + out of pocket expenses such as meals, hotels, gas, etc)
Tournament Attendance
Are able to be attend every tournament this All Star season? (May 17 – June 30; possibly longer if the team qualifies for Regionals/Nationals)?
Travel Ball
By checking this box, you agree that your player has not participated in any travel ball related activities including games, practices, or workouts since March 31.
OTSO Parent Volunteer Commitment
Parents – You are required to volunteer during the Old Town Shootout Tournament that TVGSA hosts. Clicking the Agree box confirms your volunteer requirement and commitment.
Agree to Terms
I have read, understand, and agree with all the information on the All-Star Information page.
Any Additional Comments/Date Conflicts
Vacation date conflicts could result in making your player ineligible for All Stars

Required Fields