Parent FAQ's

Q: When and where is registration?

Registration is done online; you can get the link by clicking Registration from the top navigation menu. please check the events calendar for upcoming dates.

Q: I registered my daughter to play softball. Now What?

You should be contacted by your daughter's manager within the first week after the draft. The date of the draft is listed on the Calendar. If you have questions concerning registration, contact:

Q: My daughter has never played softball before. Does TVGSA have a program for her?

Yes, Absolutely! All TVGSA seasons are a recreational season open to all girls, regardless of experience. It is designed to be challenging, instructional and fun!

Q: Can my daughter's friend be on my daughter's team for carpooling purposes?

Teams are formed by a draft process to ensure fair and equal placement of players among teams. We cannot guarantee such an arrangement. In the 6U Division, we can try to accommodate buddy requests to make their experience more enjoyable.

Q: What do I need to provide?

The league supplies basic equipment including catcher's gear however you may choose to purchase these on your own. Included in the registration fee are uniform jersey, USA registration, insurance, umpire fees, basic equipment, You will need to provide:

Uniform Pants (Wait until after your first practice to buy pants)

Softball Glove



Batting Helmet

Fielder's Mask (optional)

Bag to Hold Gear

Q: What if I want a refund?

Our goal is to be flexible and fair. Any reasonable situation which arises, we will respond to. We ask for you to understand our needs of a time frame wherein we can fairly respond. Once teams have been formed and uniforms ordered, barring highly unusual or unforeseen circumstances, refunds will not be issued.  See our Refund Policy for more information.

Q: How are teams formed, and can I make a special request?

Except for 6U teams, all TVGSA teams are formed by placing girls on teams through a draft with the objective of achieving evenly skilled teams. You may make a request for a specific manager or coach; however, TVGSA cannot make guarantees to fill that request.

Q: Who do I call if I have problems with my manager, uniform, fundraiser, etc.?

You should always try to resolve any problems directly with your manager first. If he/she does not seem able to resolve your issue, contact your Board of Directors:

Q: How long is the season?

Spring Season generally runs from February until early May. All-Star Season generally runs from late May until early July. Fall season generally runs from August until mid-November. Select season runs concurrently with Fall & Spring seasons.

Q: Where are the games played?

TVGSA Spring season games are played at Paloma Del Sol Park. Fall season games are played at Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park & Temecula Elementary, pending field allocations from the City.

Q: When are practices / games held?

Typically, there are two (2) games a week (one during the week and one on Saturdays), while practices are anywhere from 2 – 3 times a week in the pre-season and 1 – 2 times during the regular season. The amounts of practices your team will have are determined by the manager.

Q: Do I have to stay at practices and games?

We strongly encourage parents to attend practices and games. If you must leave, be sure that you are back on time to pick up your daughter. Managers cannot leave the field until all players have been picked up. Additionally, an adult female must always be present at practices and games.

Q: When do games start?

Games start on Opening Day. Please see calendar for details

Q: Am I required to volunteer?

Each team needs volunteers and your support is key to ensuring a successful league for the team. Your fees do not pay any salaries – we are all volunteers! Here are positions you may consider: Review and make sure this is applicable to your group…

Manager: Total administrative and operational responsibility for your team.

Coach or Assistant Coach: Primary role is to teach the girls and assist the Manager

Team Parent: Administrative right arm of the Manager ensuring that non-operational tasks required are supported and that the league communication loop is open to all parents. Assist the Manager in the dugout area during games and be responsible to ensure the welfare of the girls.

Scorekeeper: Maintain the game records for the team and ensure that the game publicity provides recognition to both individual girls as well as to the team.

Field Prep: Drawing baselines and equipment set-up/storage (training available)

Sponsor: You or your company can help by recruiting or being a sponsor. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please see our sponsor request form.

Q: Is additional money required for All-Stars or Select seasons?

Yes. The amount can vary from season to season. Money collected for All-Stars or Select will cover the player's uniform, tournaments, and additional equipment necessary for the team. Please keep in mind, the All-Star season requires a great deal more time and money than the recreational season.

Q: Our game was rained out / cancelled. What now?

Some games will be made up depending on time and field availability. Your manager will notify you of any schedule changes. Additionally, our website and Facebook accounts will be posted with reschedule / cancellation information as soon as possible.

Q: What does a Team Parent do?

The team parent is the liaison between the manager and the other parents. The team parent helps the manager with distribution of uniforms, calling parents, planning team parties, and coordinating the team snack scheduling.

Q: How are team names selected?
During the draft, the manager will select which collegiate team to represent.

Q: How are practices assigned?

Managers will have a chance to pick their day and time for practices at the mandatory managers meeting

Q: If we request a coach, can we get them?
All girls are put in the draft unless their mom or dad is a coach, then that team where they are the coach has the player "locked" 

Q: Can my daughter play up a division?
Possibly. All requests to play up must be made in writing to the Player Agent at  All requests are subject to board approval and space available in the age division.

Q: Can my daughter play down a division?

Do you have questions we have not covered here? Please contact us. Click here to email us!