*To be considered eligible for All-Stars, please fill out the Player Intent form below*
*Please first, review the tournament calendar and the entire page below*
Temecula Valley Softball Association has a highly successful and competitive All-Star program. We are proud of our players and coaches who compete at the highest level and represent our league with outstanding sportsmanship. Our All-Star teams are for the most dedicated and highly skilled players from each year's spring recreational season.
The experience is different than our recreational spring season. While our spring season is about instruction, development and inclusion, All-Stars is about developing advanced skills and a winning attitude in a highly competitive environment. Some players thrive in this environment, while other players (and their parents) do not. It is important as parents to make this distinction for yourselves as well as your daughters. TVGSA is committed to forming the best teams possible that will have the greatest opportunity for success. Our league attempts to keep the teams small to increase playing time. There is no guarantee of playing time or playing a specific position.
Per USA Softball – Leagues may not choose All-Star Managers before April 24th and All-Star Players may not be chosen or try out prior to May 1st.
- Players must be registered with TVGSA and have played in at least 75% of TVGSA Spring recreation games. Exception: High School students who are age eligible to return to the 14U Age Classification may return to the league they played during the previous year.
- To be eligible to play USA All-Stars your daughter must not have participated with any other All-Star or travel type team, including USA or non-USA after March 31st of this year. Participation is defined as “a player taking part in a try-out, practice, practice game, scheduled game, or tournament.”
- Managers will nominate players via email to the Board between 5/1 - 5/3.
- Nominated players will be invited to tryouts at PDS on 5/5 (all age divisions).
- The All-Star Manager and the All-Star Committee (All-Star Committee includes Executive Board and the All-Star Coordinator) will attend the tryouts. Following the tryout, the All-Star Manager and All-Star Committee will review, select, and approve the All-Star Team.
- Selected All-Star Players will be notified within 24 hours of tryouts (no later than May 6).
- Managers will email allstarcoordinator@tvgsa.org between 4/14 - 4/20 if they are interested in managing an All-Star Team.
- The TVGSA Board of Directors will conduct interviews on 4/21 and then vote to choose each Manager.
- Managers will be notified on 4/24.
All-Star play is a serious family commitment. It requires FULL availability for weeknight practices plus tournament play.
Most coaches will hold a 2-hour practice 4 to six 6 times a week starting the week of May 8th. During tournament play, each team will be playing a minimum of 3 games each weekend. There could be more games depending on how the team advances during bracket play. Each team will play at least through their District tournament with the possibility of more tournaments after based on their performance.
Each All-Star team will consist of up to 12 players, and positions and playing time is at the sole discretion of the All-Star manager. The essential rules from the regular playing season such as equal playing time and batting the complete roster do not apply during the All-Star season. The managers/coaches will play the All-Star players where they feel is the best for the team. In some cases, the manager may only select to bat nine (9) players, use the DP/Flex system, or bat the whole team. It is up to the All-Star managers/coaches and tournament rules, as how to manage the team. There is the possibility that your daughter will not play but an inning or two throughout the All-Star season. While we, as a Board, hope this does not happen, please note that the Board does not control this matter, as it is at the sole discretion of the All-Star managers to make all necessary playing decisions.
Cost = $475
(Payment plan available - 50% due at the start and 2-payments to follow within 30 Days).
*The fees cover tournament entry fees, uniforms (2 - Jerseys, 1 Practice Tee, 1 Sweatshirt, 2 - Pants, , 2 Socks, Helmet and Gear Bag ).
*The All Star registration fee is subsidized by TVGSA from the proceeds of the OTSO tournament. As such, please review the Volunteer Commitment required by all parents during the tournament.
If your team qualifies for the state tournament in Lancaster, families cover their own travel and lodging costs.
All Parents: All-Star Parents will need to volunteer for mandatory shifts to help support our Old Town Shootout All-Star Tournament June 7 - 9. You will have the option to choose shifts in the Snack-Bar, Check-In, Field Prep, Merchandise Sales, Etc.
- April 20 - All Star Manager interest deadline
- April 21 - Interview day for All Star Managers
- April 24 - All Star Managers Notified
- May 3 - All Star Player Interest Forms due
- May 5 - Nominated player tryouts
- May 6 - All Star Managers will notify families of decision/team formation
- May 6 - Mandatory parent meeting; 50% registration payment due
- May 17-19 Battle at the Lake (Lake Elsinore)
- May 24-27 Softball by the Sea (San Dieguito/Encinitas)
- May 31-June 2 Surf City Classic (Huntington Beach)
- June 7-9 Old Town Shootout (Temecula)
- June 13-16 Danny Weschsler Classic (Chino Hills - 10U & 12U only)
- June 27-30 Freedom Tournament (Escondido)
*District, and State Tournaments are dependent on which Classification ("B" or "C") we receive from USA Softball*
“B” Classification (Recreation) All-Star Championship Play
- June 21-23 All-Star Eastern District Championships (Rialto, CA)
- July 5-7 All-Star USAS SoCal Championships (Lancaster, CA)
- July 27-Aug 4 Western B Nationals (Salem, OR) (10U & 12U)
- July 23-28 Western B Nationals (Everett, WA - 14U)
“C” Classification (Recreation) All-Star Championship Play
- June 14-16 - All-Star Eastern District Championships (Beaumont, CA)
- June 28 - June 30 - All-Star USAS SoCal Championships (Lancaster, CA)
- July 17-21 - USA Softball Pacific Coast Region Championship, California State Games (San Diego)
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our All-Star Coordinator – at allstarcoordinator@tvgsa.org or ask a Board Member on Duty during games.